Rangers 2, Panthers 3

Last night the Rangers had the opportunity to go up a game in this series and show that their prior two wins were not flukes. Unfortunately, they failed.

Though there was no score by either team in the first period, the Rangers looked significantly better than the previous two games. They actually had a fair amount of time in the offensive zone and had reduced, but not eliminated, the mindless turnovers.

The second period gave the hometown fans hope when the NY inverse power play unit scored again just 02:04 in. Kreider, defending just below the blue line, picked off a Zibanej…Tkachuck pass, pushed it over to his BFF, the pair skating up ice past all Florida defenders. Kreider (8) took the pass from Zibanejad (12) high in the slot and drove the net, putting a backhander past Bobrovsky who was sprawled out on his ass. 1-0 NYR.

Good times would only last six minutes before Bennet would carry the puck over the blue line and hit an untouched Forsling who had followed him into the Rangers end. In normal circumstances some blame would fall on Lafreniere who had the chance to bump Forsling on his way in. However, he was playing the new Ranger man defense and staying with Bennet. Which leaves the finger pointing very clearly at Fox, who not only watched Forsling skate around Lafreniere, but gave him even more room wide open in the slot by skating backwards into the circle. Bennet made the easy pass to Forsling who flipped the puck past Shesterkin with his backhand. A goal that should not have happened, tied 1-1 at 08:21 and that is how the second period would end. The Rangers would log only six shots on goal in the second as Florida stepped up their game.

Florida continued to press the accelerator but the Rangers managed to avoid a collission until the 10:22 mark when Lundell scored his third of the playoffs. A long rebound off Shesterkin was picked up by Florida, who entered the zone 3 on 2. Lundell, the puck carrier, skated to the circle where Schneider went to one kneed with a missed block. Shesterkin, however, was not fully on Lundell as Miller had allowed Tarasanko to skate unopposed to the front of the net on the same side as Lundell. Had Shesterkin not need to respect the pass and potential tip by Tarasanko there is a good chance he makes the save. Again, a goal that did not need to happen as a result of a NYR defender playing far away, frankly unaware, of what was about to happen. 2-1 FLA.

And then Laviollete panicked, pulling Shesterkin at the 17:24 mark down just one goal. It took 44 seconds before Bennet, unassisted, would put one in to the empty net, FLA 3-1 at 18:08 of the third.

Apparently that is what it took to wake the Rangers up and a minute later, at 19:10, Lafreniere (8) tipped one past Bobrovsky, Zibanejad (13) and Kreider (4) with the assists. FLA 3-2 with the Rangers trying to mount a desperate charge to tie the game and go to overtime.

Unfortunately, the coach turned back into a pumpkin as the Rangers were unable to do much of anything with the puck the last 50 seconds, failing to reach overtime and dance the night away. Game over, 3-2 FLA.


1/ Though the Rangers played better than they had the prior few games, they were not able to match the Panthers compete level, including abrasiveness.

2/ That the Panthers did not score more is a testament to Shesterkin and not the Rangers defense, who continue to leave people uncovered for easy shots.

3/ Laviolette was out-coached:

He gave up on the fourth line pretty much immediately. Rempe got 2:43 with two shifts in the first and two in the second. The physical element was gone.

Laviolette put Chytil back into the line up next to Zibanejad, though he had many alternatives. From the 7:51 mark of the second, Chytil played one 21 second shift. He played with Cuylle and Goodrow in the third period. Would Othmann or Edstrom have been better choices?

Made no defensive adjustments during the game (though did revert back to the Miller/Schneider pairing).

Went for the sixth skater very early given the proven inability of the Rangers to not make turnovers and to maintain offensive zone possession

Author: Beezle

I am the new and improved Beezle

163 thoughts on “Rangers 2, Panthers 3”

  1. I would like to say that I will not be apologizing for my “Bozo” comments. I truly love RR2 it is a oasis for me and I have no doubt for most, if not all you. I have never been critical of any poster whether their comments be positive or negative concerning the our boys in blue. I just give my observations. Old time Ranger fans like myself have been disappointed too many times to believe the best for a severely flawed team that is not ready to fully complete for the ultimate prize. I was one of the few that wanted a total rebuild after the letter. I did not get my wish. Instead, well we all saw it on the ice last night, a good, just not nearly good enough hockey team. I want to see this team raise the cup as much as any of you. But I am not going to be silent with what I see on the ice. If I have offended any of you, my fellow boneheads, it was never my intention. Go Rangers!

    Liked by 11 people

  2. The Panthers really have the Rangers number big time and & coaching & players have not found a way to combat. They have not played one game that was representative of what got them the President’s Cup. In fact there’s maybe one game the Rangers really won. Without Shesterkin they would have defeated us in 5 games. There is still time but far to little. Being a bit too soft cost the fans and players the opportunity of a lifetime. What a freeken shame.


  3. without shesty this was a sweep

    that big a difference in talent level of the teams

    have some albatross contracts going forward. notably bread, mika, fox.

    we’ll see what drury can get for trouba and kreider (will be 34 next spring)

    is it better to trade a guy a year too soon or a year too late

    this one will last a lifetime.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. This isn’t a coaching failure. They made adjustments. The PK improved and actually got them a goal that gave them some early hope. The zone exits were better until crunch time. He has $36 million in cap space doing nothing in this series. That’s hard to coach around. He has to play Rempe for the energy boost because the big dollar guys don’t seem able to generate energy. Great regular season team-good playoff team. That’s what the are. They ran into a better team. 28 teams are home watching them play. That’s not nothing. I’ll hope for a miracle tomorrow night, but I don’t expect.

    Chytil’s recovery-if that’s what it is- leaves them with very little cap space so this is the roster that will be in training camp. I assume Gus, Rosy and Wennberg are gone. I wonder if Trouba and Fox will need surgery and if the cross checks by the Canes on Mika took a toll. We won’t know about those things until there are no more games to play.

    Liked by 4 people

  5. It is not the “what you see on the ice” comments that prompted the “bozo” comment. I too make comments on bad plays, muffed passes etc. It is the “they are done” and “see ya next year” and “no chance” bleats when the game and series is still undecided. I root for them as long as they are still playing.

    If you’ve already thrown in the towel, why are you still watching the games? It’s like heading for the exits with half a period left to go in a one goal game.

    Liked by 3 people

  6. Here’s the facts:

    the rangers have been

    1. Totally out-coached,
    2. Completely out-played, out-skated, out-hit, out hustled
    3. Out muscled on most every loose puck and board battle
    4. but they weren’t out goal-tendered

    The Turk was fired last year because of his failure to make adjustments during the Devils series. Peter LaViolette has been a huge disappointment for this 55 year Ranger fan. Huge.

    this is 2 years in succession their top players and veteran stars failed completely in a lopsided playoff series loss.

    this team of veteran stars will never win a cup together.

    the stark realization that that I take from this series that I hadn’t realized before….their defense needs a complete overhaul

    Liked by 1 person

  7. this is kreiders first bad series in 3 years. yet some act like this one is typical of the other series for him.

    we’ll miss him when he’s gone. and he could be gone this summer.

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  8. Errors ala mode from the Captain, but he (like Lindgren) leaves nightly his blood and guts on the ice. Fifth Row Miller, who has yet to so much as touch anyone near his net gets praise from the talking heads. Riddle me.

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  9. Our Coach sees no deficiencies with his boys. Everyone is just hunky-dory. I admire his loyalty, but he is either an effing fool or he thinks we are, each of us. And why dress Rempe to play 2 minutes? Chytil similarly, and was that him spotted on the 4th line? Who’s crazy here?

    Liked by 4 people

  10. Kreider isn’t going anywhere.

    Panthers won Presidents Trophy a few years ago, but were summarily dumped from the playoffs. Why? Too SOFT.

    Rangers won President’s Trophy this year and are on the verge of losing because: Too SOFT.


    it’s failure to execute with the pressure on. There’s more than enough skill on this team to win a Stanley Cup. There is too much softitude around to be able to get past a lesser skilled, but much more built for the playoffs, Panthers.

    Again — this season is part of a process. They came in 1OA. They didn’t give up much at the deadline. They have some nice young players in the pipeline. Lafreniere and Shesterkin have announced that THEY are the Rangers.

    Liked by 4 people

  11. panthers have more skill than rangers. i didn’t say we have no skill. just that fla has more and more players in their prime. we have some players slumping and the 3rd and 4th lines (other than goodrow) are not contributing offensively.

    i listed ages of some of our guys and some of the fla guys

    this will be fla second year in row in finals. they are a very good and talented team


  12. Rooting for them and not believing in them are not mutually exclusive. Big difference! I doubt there’s anybody here among you commenting 100x a day that don’t root for the team.

    Liked by 7 people

  13. AA,

    They don’t have the luxury of time on their hands. Look at FL’s core age vs ours. You can’t make the argument of “figuring it out” because by the time they do, they’ll be even older and slower. This was it with this core. This was the opportunity.

    They ran into a brick wall, and this is the unfortunate way it ends. I’ll still be watching and routing like hell for them to pull off a miracle, but I just don’t see it happening.

    Liked by 2 people

  14. on the blog: I don’t read any of the other Ranger blogs – are they brimming with positivity during the game or after? I’m guessing not, but maybe I’m wrong.

    If you want more positive comments, then you need to make them. Someone must be making positive plays/contributions, feel free to speak up about those. I mean if you want to be positive, you got to do better than “they aren’t eliminated” and add something to offset the “player X sucks”. Maybe tell everyone what the team is doing right to offset those that tell us what they are doing wrong?

    I can tell you right now if CCCP chose to ban all negative posts, the game threads would be a handful of woots from Gravy and a few pregame LGR’s. The comment moderation has been soley to prevent personal attacks getting out of hand and ‘no politics’ – AFAIK no posts have been removed this season.

    True, NYR have not lost the series yet and even the most negative posters here want them to win, but they sure haven’t looked the better team in these games so far (but have managed to ‘hang around’). So it is hardly surprising that some voice their worst fears. Hopefully the negative Nancys will eat crow.

    Liked by 9 people

  15. 69 year old NYR fan here..1st game in 1962..w Dad.

    I am disgusted by some of the current rosters lack of grit..the softness of 93 and 79…the disappearing act by 10…every season I invest a LOT if time.into our Rangers because I want to..it stinks when they don’t return the level of commitment when it matters the most.

    If I were Drury I would speak to 93 after the season…tell him that he wants to go in a different direction and where would he like to go..even mention he would work on a deal to send 20 with him if he balks…

    In my opinion after watching 62 years of NYR hockey we simply will not win a Cup w 93 as our #1 Center.

    Just 1 man’s opinion but I he is not cut out for the post season grind.

    Until we divest ourselves of Zibanabad we will be fed a steady diet of regular season highlights followed by post season disappointment.

    Prove me wrong Rangers… especially you 93 and 10.

    Liked by 5 people

  16. The team clearly has players with talent. Unfortunately, it is not always the most talented team that wins. Scrappy, mean and nasty can go a long ways to making up for less talent. But when combined *with* talent, you get a team like the Panthers. As a fan, it is very frustrating to watch them get out muscled and hustled on a regular basis.

    At the end of the day, really how much has changed since AV left? The kids are older and have started contributing in more ways, the older guys have a bigger bag of tricks. But we see over and over the same core issues – lack of snarl, not playing close to a full 60 most nights, inattention to details – even in the playoffs. That they have been fairly successful in spite of this is a testament to their natural talents. It will take new, perhaps not always as talented, players to change the dynamic.

    Liked by 7 people

  17. 93 and his line has been the 2nd line all season. wish people would realize that. and based on aggregate cap hit of all 3 players and deployment that is indeed the case. only reason they get more playing time as compared to 10 and 13 is the latter don’t kill penalties and 13 is not on pp1. i would think that if 20 gets traded this summer then 13 gets put on pp1. maybe he should be put on pk as well. next year of course not this year.

    and 73 will get a lot more time next season. several forwards will be gone. 72 and 24 in addition to 20.


  18. Kreider – not being moved. Will be a career NYR, cap will be low enough to tolerate even third line play.

    Bread – two years left, sells tickets and helps get them to the playoffs. Not moving anywhere.

    Trouba – probably the most likely to be moved of the ‘big names’

    Chytil – will be moved by trade or set free by buyout.

    Kakko – may be moved on summer trade, if not, will be moved at deadline if offense does not show up.

    Fox – the $9.5M question and gamble. Five years left but still a window to move him in 24/25. Durability has become an issue for a guy that is about 11% of the current cap.

    Mika – the contract is a big hurdle given NMC, though sometimes players can be persuaded. Is it the lack of a top notch RW? If we had a better third line would his play improve too?

    KAM – plays big minutes, has benefited from strong goal tending. But defensive progression has stalled, if not slid back. If Drury lacks confidence that he’ll improve, could be time to move.

    Goodrow – not going anywhere. Too versatile and has the qualities needed for playoffs. Will be under 4% of cap next season.

    Liked by 6 people

  19. we’re stuck with bread, mika and fox.

    if rangers want to move from the core then 20 and 8 are the ones to trade. in one year laffy will get a mega deal. money has to come from somewhere.

    20 been my favorite ranger. but he will be 34 next spring.

    others listed by beezle could be in play for sure.


  20. April champs! Do they raise the Presidents Cup banner at the first home game next season?

    Last nights game was remarkably different than the prior efforts. They fixed the break outs by, wait for it, moving together as a 5 man unit and not just wishpasses around the perimeter.

    They actually moved Fox off PP1 point in 3rd period. He can’t shoot and Bread doesn’t so the pk will just sag down and clog passing lanes. Mika and Tro cannot manage the puck on PP, lack of skill and vision. Agree on Laffy to PP1; Mika off, Bread on left, Laffy on right, Kreider in front and Tro in bumper with D (Gusto) up top.

    Need to leave Kakko up on Mika’s line; Flip is a hot plate of garbage, please no more. He does not understand the concept of ‘hockey’.

    play Rempe with 50-91

    play Edstrom with Goody and Wheeler

    blame the coach all you want but this is on Dreary. Everyone saw all season they were reliant upon special teams and goaltending. The D was suspect and the bottom 6 needed bangers and mashers. We started 2 guys (VC, Gusto) that were healthy scratches last year in POs. He picks up a dancer and a Swiss Army knife but no beef, no D support.

    this is the Panthers year, but not giving up on the season until the final whistle of the 4th loss of the final series. If all you care about is winning the Cup than you are masochists as they have 1 in 83 years so quick whining and go get a towel to cry into. Everyone wanted Boston because we knew Fla was a better team. Vegas had them as the biggest underdog of the remaining teams.

    let’s wait for the off-season until the off-season.

    Let’s Go Rangers! Just win baby. Goose fraba!

    Liked by 2 people

  21. 15 teams made it to the playoffs without Panarin. It actually can be done. Maybe Busto No More takes the team on his back Saturday and pulls a Messier, it would be legendary! If it were possible the players to move are Bread, trade Miller at the draft, Disco Mika, and Trouba. The #1 priority in the off season is find the biggest meanest LD possible to partner with Fox. I would put Kreider Trocheck Lafreniere as the top line Sat. Everything else is a crap shoot.


  22. Impressed by Boyle’s hockey perspectives. I remember him as a quality 4th liner who thought he should be a first liner. And, big as he is, he turtled with the best of them.

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  23. need a 3rd center who raises his game playoff time.

    Lafreniere should and will get a greater role with the team next season. 8 goals in the last 10 playoff games is an absolute tear(!).

    Kreider with his conditioning will remain an effective player at least to age 36, 37.

    There are plenty of moving parts that would attract interest from other clubs in hockey trades: Miller, Chytil, Kakko. There are also prospects and draft picks who could work as well.


  24. What have they done right?

    we are seeing the rise of Igor Shesterkin as a big game player. We are seeing the emergence of Alexis Lafreniere as an elite player—who produces big time on the smallest ice against the toughest team I’ve seen in the playoffs in quite some time (Panthers). We’ve seen the emergence of Vincent Trocheck as the 1C. We’ve seen what Cullye, Rempe, Schneider can bring to the table in big games.

    Maybe I’m just crazy, but I’m not feeling the doom and gloom as most of the rest of you. I’m excited for this next game, and if they lose, I’m excited to see what this team will do to continue to improve.

    Again—life is about enjoying the journey and making the most of it, just as much or more than the destination.

    Liked by 4 people

  25. Had Drury moved Chytil last summer he would have gotten a decent return back in picks and could have used a portion of the cap to re-sign Mikkola (2.5) vs Gus (0.9). Clearly they survived the season just fine without Chytil but would have been better on defense with Mikkola than Gus. Drury also waited way too long to do something about the RW.

    Liked by 1 person

  26. For a team that won the Presidents trophy there is a lack of league awards. I’m not even sure if any of the players were even nominated for one. Perhaps I missed the announcement?


  27. here’s are some examples of why lavioleete failed this series:

    dressed Rempe but hardly used him. Gotta roll 4 lines in the conference finals – big mistake not too. It’s a war of attrition. If he can’t play, don’t dress him.

    He changed the dzone scheme and coverages. Why? Going to Man on man coverage against a team as big and strong as the panthers is suicide.

    should have tried Laffy with Krrider and Mika as often as possible. Could have even tried Rempe there. Chytil and Roslovic were useless on that line. As was The old guy with the bum wheel.

    where was the switch to an aggressive forecheck? Falling back into the 1-3-1 was futile against the Panthers, they practically waltzed through the neutral zone unencumbered all series long.

    why didn’t he try Jones as a player who has the speed, quickness and savy with the puck to break a forecheck by getting past the 1st man coming? Gus, Miller, Schneider and Trouba were turnover machines all series long especially in the when pressed in the dzone .

    having said this, I’m pretty sure, gun to head, Lavy would trade his team for the Panthers every day of the week and definitly for game 6 & 7!

    Liked by 3 people

  28. jones is way too small to play vs fla

    fla had a forward who played about 4 min last game too.

    i didn’t check the other games. this rempe stuff has taken a life of its own

    laffy was already playing on the 1st line with bread and trocheck


  29. Beezle, great write up and your 12:16 was one of the funniest yet truest posts of all the fumny /true/ well thought out posts I’ve seen here in the last 10 years. I agree, as Rangers fans for years ( 35 for me) we have seen so much disappointment and frustration, of course we are negative when they lose like that. Im thankful there is not a ban on the negativity. We are Fans so we are overjoyed when they win and when they lose we are pissed off and want change.

    i also agree Lavy is getting out coached. If you see your players are getting knocked around and being out worked, change what you are doing. Stop sending out the same soft guys in different spots using the thinking that “ well that have to score at some point. “ Like Why was Chytll playing with Goody and Cuylee? He is not a fourth line player, he is concussion prone and soft as well. There are several instances of what i thought were not good decisions.

    Anyway i could rant all night about this, and like what we all do, I’m just expressing my opinion. I know I’m not a coach , i know i never played pro hockey, i just love the Rangers and want them to win.

    I feel like this blog is even better than it was when Carp was running things… I like getting through these games with you all, whether we agree or not. So thank you all who kept it going….

    Liked by 4 people

  30. Alex

    yup keep the core intact. Let the younger players develop around them.

    you don’t blow up a team because it lost close games to the panthers in the ECF.


  31. When you’re a regular season Star season after season but you fail and fail to light the lights in playoff hockey, you’re just another hockey palooka. Bread has just tonight and maybe Monday to begin justifying a heritage.

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  32. That’s the problem with the rangers, core players are soft, disappear when it gets tough and that’s in the playoffs. Rangers don’t have the pedigree you need to win a cup. Drury needs to make changes. How?That’s on Drury.

    Liked by 1 person

  33. Our boyz seem to like and respect one another and possess enough talent to pull this off. But teams that prosper this time of season all play from their goalie on out, not the reverse. Too late this season for them to understand that?

    Liked by 1 person

  34. I don’t think I could pull for the Oilers. Panthers drip championship quality the way it has build its team, while the Oilers often look susceptible and had to get what, five #1 OA picks and a handful of other top-5 to accumulate the superstar scorers of the world in order to get here? Feels like cheating 🙂

    Won’t matter after the rangers defeat the panthers 4-2 Monday


  35. Bread is now resembling stale croutons.

    Instead of stick handling through traffic towards the net in the offensive zone Mika looks like he’s chasing a rat with a cattle prod.

    Liked by 2 people

  36. I’ll try it again. Stay positive for 12 hours tonight they will be 60 minute men. WordPress won’t let me post you tube link so her are lyrics:

    Sixty-minute man, sixty-minute man
    Look a here girls, I’m telling you now
    They call me “Lovin’ Dan”
    I rock ’em, roll ’em all night long
    I’m a sixty-minute man (yeah, yeah)

    If you don’t believe I’m all that I say
    Come up and take my hand
    When I let you go you’ll cry, “Oh yes”
    “He’s a sixty-minute man”

    There’ll be 15 minutes of kissing
    Then you’ll holler, “Please don’t stop” (don’t stop)
    There’ll be 15 minutes of teasing
    And 15 minutes of squeezing
    And 15 minutes of blowing my top

    If your man ain’t treating you right
    Come up and see ol’ Dan
    I rock ’em, roll ’em all night long
    I’m a sixty-minute man

    Sixty-minute man
    They call me Lovin’ Dan
    I rock ’em, roll ’em all night long
    I’m a sixty-minute man

    Sixty-minute man
    They call me Lovin’ Dan
    I rock ’em, roll ’em all night long
    I’m a sixty-minute man

    There’ll be 15 minutes of kissing
    Then you’ll holler, “Please don’t stop” (don’t stop)
    There’ll be 15 minutes of teasing
    And 15 minutes of squeezing
    And 15 minutes of blowing my top

    If your man ain’t treating you right
    Come up and see ol’ Dan
    I rock ’em, roll ’em all night long
    I’m a sixty-minute man, oh yeah
    Sixty-minute man


  37. More Giggles for you:

    Jonny Brodzinski working with #NYR PP2 down at the other end, with Wennberg, Roslovic, Gustafsson and Lafrenière. Could mean No. 22 draws in tonight for Game 6 vs. Panthers.

    She also noted that VC was skating in a red jersey.

    Sounds like Brodude may replace Chytiljuice


  38. Mollie also noted: There’s no question the drastic unevenness of this series has also reflected in Florida’s 43.8 percent of their games in the offensive zone.

    most teams spend about 18.5% in neutral zone so NYR offensive zone time probably around 37%


  39. Robocop: “I mean, yeah, we’re obviously all extremely excited for tonight,” Ryan Lindgren said. “It’s a huge game for us. We’re going to do everything we can to bring this back to MSG for Game 7. Everyone’s fired up and dialed in for tonight.”

    Liked by 1 person

  40. if we don’t do it love to see edm do it. love the speed on that team. especially mcdavid

    between fla and dall i’d be whatever. likely miss some of the early games


  41. Kreider with 2 years left on his contract at a 6.5M cap hit who is gonna reliably get you 30-40 goals, and some of you have him traded. Unless the haul were absurd, that could be right up there with worst Rangers trades ever. You folks who have them already out of the playoffs, will you even be watching tonight?

    Liked by 2 people

  42. my crystal balls say that the league wants a game 7. Expect a few more penalties called on Fla…….. Rangers have not been treated fairly by the refs this series and we get our due tonight. About bloody time and not a moment too soon.


  43. Brodude: “Just a big moment. I’m excited for the opportunity, stayed ready this entire time [for] whenever that may be. It’s nice to get in. Then you get up in the press box, you’re watching, you can kind of see what they’re doing, see what we’re doing and hopefully try to apply some stuff that I’ve seen.”

    Liked by 2 people

  44. So Rempe was first on and last off so NHL.com says we’ll end up with these lines. Not happy to see Chytil still in lineup. Put Othmann or Edstrom in. Heck put Jones in and tell him to be Brendan Smith

    Chris Kreider — Mika Zibanejad — Filip Chytil

    Artemi Panarin — Vincent Trocheck — Alexis Lafreniere

    Jack Roslovic — Alex Wennberg — Kaapo Kakko

    Will Cuylle — Barclay Goodrow — Jonny Brodzinski

    Ryan Lindgren — Adam Fox

    K’Andre Miller — Braden Schneider

    Erik Gustafsson — Jacob Trouba

    Igor Shesterkin


  45. Lav is a fool of Rempe isn’t in the lineup and a bigger fool if he is in the lineup and plays only 3 minutes. On top of that the other giant Edstrom should play and Chytil should be plied with coca cola and popcorn while sitting in the press box.

    Liked by 3 people

  46. Speaking of Brad Pitt, his spiteful ex, Angelina Jolie, is the daughter of actor Jon Voight and the granddaughter of the former head golf pro at the Sunningdale Club in Scarsdale. (just a bit of local color)


  47. Yikes. I hope this is not a bad omen!

    The Florida Panthers advanced to their one and only Stanley Cup Final in franchise history on June 1, 1996. Tom Fitzgerald scored the deciding goal in the 3-1 win over the Penguins in Game 7 of the Eastern Conference Final. Goaltender John Vanbiesbrouck came up big with 39 saves.


  48. “Now there’s another thing I want you to remember. I don’t want to get any messages saying we are holding our position. We’re not holding anything. Let the Hun do that. We are advancing constantly, and we’re not interested in holding onto anything except the enemy. We’re going to hold onto him by the nose, and we’re going to kick him in the ass. We’re going to kick the hell out of him all the time, and we’re going to go through him like crap through a goose.” (Gen. G.S. Patton)

    Liked by 4 people

  49. Beez…..Atilla the Hun….good news? Sure…. until he rides on Washington….oh wait that would be good news. Paging Atilla the Hun your needed in central casting.


  50. Hope for the best,expect the least and somewhere in the middle will be our NY Rangers.

    All the scenarios you guys have proposed are possible. I expect a very close game with great goaltending on both sides and a number of our “Stars” to either drive us crazy with there lame effort or make us shout for joy at finally breaking through.

    If our GM is smart he will do his best to imitate the way the Panthers play and the kind of players they have brought in. Whatever the outcome tonight it has been a long great trip of a season.

    One of these days before I croak it would be nice to see another NY Rangers Stanley Cup winner. Oh well.


    Liked by 2 people

  51. since my band has a gig tonight, I won’t be able to chime in (probably a good thing, eh?). But, if this is how we go out, it’s been an honor and a privilege.

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  52. Rich: Patton was larger than life, and he knew it! Another favorite of mine is Brig. Gen. Anthony McAuliffe, who replied, “Nuts!” to the Germans when they asked him to surrender at Bastogne. Man, do we need men like that now!

    Liked by 2 people

  53. Brodzinski in for Rempe? Big mistake . He doesn’t bring anything more than Rempe and considerably less in terms of physicality and enthusiasm that helps amp up the team. This could be a fatal mistake. I hope I am wrong.

    Liked by 2 people

  54. Upstate….Milley or Millie…. should have been arrested for his admission that he contacted his Chinese counterpart to inform him that if we were going to attack them he would let them know. Now that sounds a whole lot like treason to me. But what do I know?


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