Rangers 1, Panthers 2

Our final post-game write up is once again by Florida resident and blog regular EVrockriser. The post is in two parts, the second page has the bullet points. Thank you again EV for another stellar writeup!

The 2023-24 New York Rangers passed away from the playoffs late Saturday night, not with the bang that they finished the regular season with, but with a whimper. They were 98 games old. They played in 16 playoff games and, although that number is a target for every team in the postseason, it was 10 wins and 6 losses, not the 16 wins they were striving for.

The last thing I expected to have to do when I agreed to do these game write-ups was having to type up the Rangers’ obituary. And, yet here we are. A great season that, although was much better than last year’s result, was pretty much the same as the year prior. So, last season they took a couple of steps backwards and this season they just got back to where they were in 2022. Out in six games in the conference final then, and out in 6 games in the conference final this season. No real progress.

However, I’d argue that the ending this season was worse than that one. In 2022 they finished 4th in the Eastern Conference and tied for 7th in the entire league. This year they won the President’s Trophy. There was much more expected of this team than there was that season. But those Rangers didn’t get run out of the building like this team did. The scores of this series’ games weren’t even close to representative of the games themselves. If teams won just based on whether they deserved a win from their play in a game, this year’s Rangers would’ve been swept. The scores of the games were like putting lipstick on a pig. Five one-goal games and one game that was basically a one-goal game until late in the third on a puck that didn’t even go in from a Panther’s stick.

The Rangers were very adept at staying alive in these games and keeping the games close. But that was all Igor. The same was true for the final game of this series. Even though the local press didn’t vote Shesterkin as a star of the game, like the New York press had voted Bobrovsky when he had a similar performance, he was as stellar as ever and deserving of one.

The Rangers came out in this game exactly how they needed to. They took it to the Panthers right away, controlling play in the first half of the first period. They cycled the puck well in the offensive zone and got the first few shots. The one hiccup happened when Trocheck was called for a weak hook of Aaron Ekblad. Although the Panthers got 4 shots on that power play, they never broke through. The Rangers still did a good job of forcing play afterward and were rewarded with a power play when ex-Islander Kyle Okposo took an interference penalty on Brodzinski. This was the beginning of the end. The Rangers didn’t get much on the man advantage and had trouble just getting the puck into the offensive zone with possession. The Panthers got more life out of that kill and the Rangers started to droop.

Then the Rangers did the most Ranger thing possible: they gave up a goal in the last minute of the first period. Gustafsson lofted the puck in the air to get it out of the zone, except he misjudged how deep the defensive zone is and it was easily caught and controlled by a Panther player a few feet inside the blueline. Gustafsson had a second opportunity to clear the puck and did, barely. Unfortunately, it was batted down with a high stick by Evan Rodrigues, but play was never stopped by the always-reliable linesmen. Rodrigues got the puck to Bennett, who skated it back into the Rangers’ zone and then finished off a neat little give-and-go. You’ll never guess who was defending this play and did absolutely nothing to stop it or slow it down. No, not K’Andre. No, not Trouba. It was Gustafsson again; another Ranger defenseman who could be expected to be on the ice for a play like that. Coincidentally his partner, Trouba, stepped up on Bennett as he entered the zone but decided to do another Ranger thing, which was to poke check instead of body check and never even touched him, nor impeded his or Rodrigues’ progress. So, you can thank Trouba as well for the gift that gift to the Panthers.

End of the First Period – Shots 13-9, Panthers – 1-0 Panthers

You’d think the Rangers would come storming out in the second period. You’d be wrong. Another lazy period by the Rangers with Igor keeping them in it. As usual, he was able to keep the gap at one goal. The Rangers looked tired and disinterested. This looked nothing like the desperation that the Hurricanes showed against them when they were on the brink of elimination in the last round. This period was when I started feeling embarrassed to be a Ranger fan in the Panthers arena. There were a lot less Ranger fans at this game than any other that I’ve ever been to down here. Maybe they saw this coming.

End of Second Period – Shots 24-18, Panthers – 1-0 Panthers

Surely, they’d come out like gangbusters in the third period, when they were just one goal away from tying it, but at the same time, 20 minutes away from the possible end of their season. Negative, Captain. Somehow the Rangers looked worse in what would turn out to be their entry into the off-season than they had through the first two periods. In fact, from their play, it looked like they thought the off-season had already begun. As Ranger fans we should’ve expected them to put less shots on goal in the most important period of the entire season and that’s what happened. We’d seen this before. They put a grand total of 6 shots on net in the third, with half of those coming in the back half of the period and two of those coming in the last three minutes.

Just before the halfway point of the third period, Tarasenko got his first point of the series, a goal to put the dagger in his former team’s heart. (Where was that last year?) They couldn’t come back from one down and I knew there was no way they were coming back from two. In fact, I was convinced that the series would wind up being bookended by easy Bobrovsky shutouts. Luckily, I was incorrect. With a minute and a half left in their season, Panarin felt it was a good time to show up in the series. He finally put a puck past his good buddy, Bobrovsky. He’d been wanting to do that from the beginning of this series, but I guess he thought it would be more dramatic if it was scored when it pretty much didn’t matter anymore, instead of any time earlier in the game or series. The Rangers would get no more shots on goal. The final whistle blew. There would be no more comebacks. The Rangers have left the building… and the playoffs.

End of Season – Shots 34-24, Panthers – 2-1 Panthers win

Author: Beezle

I am the new and improved Beezle

168 thoughts on “Rangers 1, Panthers 2”

  1. It’s over for another year. As negative as it sounds I knew it all alone. Since we all know the 2 elephants in the room are not going anywhere, Disco Mika & the Loaf. Drury must find a way to protect them. Kreider Vermont Lafreniere should be the #1 line next year. Find a way to get Alex Tuch on RW with the DJ and Krusty. Then rebuild the 3rd and 4th lines starting with Cuylle and Goodrow big and nasty. Trade Miller at the draft, he sux and always will. Keep Schneider, the rest of the D is a cluster bomb. The only way Fox will ever be effective in a war-zone is with an extra large badazz partner. Just venting, I presently have no hope this organization as any idea what it takes to win the prize. In my eyes they remain the cotton candy crew. I’ve seen this show before. The Minx has Spoken!

    Liked by 4 people

  2. Valley’s chart is consistent with the eye test. For the series they played the Panthers even in the first period, started to tail off in the second and completely collapsed in the third. Lavy and Drury need to have answers for why this happened. There have to be changes unless they think the outcome is ok, but don’t throw the baby out with the bath water. Some may be Xs and Os but why were the systems ok in the first, but not in the third? The players, if they are honest, know if they just wore down and/or when FL upped their game the Rangers didn’t have the ability or the will to answer. Schneider is the only guy who struggled last night that we can say it was youth and he will learn. Is it better training, better management of TOI during the season or different players? They were close. 28 teams were at home watching them. They need to start planning right now to get better. St. Pete has a plan. Pizza Boy needs to come up with one too.

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  3. Nice work, Ev. You paid your penance watching that in person.

    Big thanks to Beezle & 3C for keeping this ship afloat. A thankless job well done, guys.

    Mrs. Upstate remarked the other night that Panarin lacked energy, probably because he breathes through his mouth. Through the nose, Artie, through the nose!

    Looking forward to Remp the Ent 2.0 in ’24-’25, along with Mothmann & the other Ent, Edstrom.

    Enjoy the off season, guys. Godspeed.

    Liked by 6 people

  4. Someone left the cake out in the rain oh I don’t think that I’ll make it so long to bake it I’ll never get that recipe again oh no. All .kidding aside they made a noble effort being the best in the NHL but meeting this team at this time was far better than they. Let’s see how the Oiler egomaniacs fare.


  5. ‘Between the idea
    And the reality
    Between the motion
    And the act
    Falls the Shadow

    And this is the way the world ends,

    Not with a bang, but a whimper.’

    T S Eliot, ‘The Hollow Men’

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  6. Even with all the roster issues this clown show has the biggest disappointment for me is this. The organizations failure to recognize the man for the job and future of the franchise was Chuck Knoblauch. It’s the hire I wanted. Drury, dumb azz!

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  7. when your top 6 is that badly outplayed your defense wears down …miller isn’t going anywhere ….Trouba needs to be moved and Kereider if the deal is right


  8. Are they trading Miller for picks? Why the draft? Ranger’s #30 pick probably won’t be in so high demand that it’s the subject of a draft day trade.


  9. Per NYP:

    The Rangers’ Goaltending Guru, Benoit Allaire, is scaling back his workload. 

    Allaire will continue to serve as the organization’s director of goaltending, but the well-respected 60-year-old has opted to no longer serve as the club’s goalie coach on a day-to-day basis, according to a source.

    This was Allaire’s decision as he wraps up his 20th year with the Rangers, who plan to lean on him during their process of finding a new goaltending coach.  


  10. No season that ends in the ECF is a failure, regardless of the wishes or goals of the team and fans during the season. While I hoped the Rangers would win last night and go all the way, this current core has reached its ceiling. We know they are talented and capable of surprises when all hope is lost, but they lack the killer instinct, as has been the case with all NYR teams in the last 30 years.

    Since 2011/12, the Rangers, as an organization, have accomplished almost everything there is to achieve, except for winning the Stanley Cup. They have had four ECF appearances, one SCF appearance, two Presidents’ Trophies, and four 50+ win seasons. We have been through three general managers and five coaches during that time. Many players have come and gone, but the end result remains the same.

    I am still trying to figure out the answer, but trying it again with this group will likely lead to the same result. I don’t know what they need, whether an actual rebuild or a total culture change, but whatever has been brewing over the last three decades is not working.

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  11. They need to make an assessment of Trouba. Is his decline due to an injury? If not the buyout would have a cap hit of $4MM next season. They can replace what he provided this year for less the the $4MM saving. Does he do much more than Ben Harpur at this point? They have until the end of June to make that call.


  12. Ev, nice write up and glad you got to enjoy (somewhat) with your father. My dad was the opposite of yours and complained about almost every player. Maybe that’s why I take the more positive spin and you generally look at the other side. Either way, make sure you can at least know you got to have some good moments with your father.

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  13. Craig – your 8:36 on prior post is spot on. I couldn’t agree more with every one of your points.

    Gravy from prior post – I agree with you that most of us thought that Florida was the better team. Even though I thought that Florida was the better team, because they were built for playoff style play, but the real disappointment was the lack of compete level by most of this team and being totally dominated after a President Cup winning season. They should be embarrassed for being so badly out played in every game. I think Igor will be looking to go as a UFA in 2 years, he doesn’t want to be the next Henrik. He will be another HOF player with no Stanley Cup rings if he stays with Rangers. I also agree that the Rangers cannot afford to pay him 8-9 million with all the other roster problems they have.


  14. Thank you EV for the spot on obituary. The worst part of the season’s end, is the end of the day to day interaction with everyone on RR2. Thank you to all of you that keep RR2 going. Though many of us have different opinions about individual players, team play, etc and some of us are more negative than positive, I truly appreciate everyone’s opinions and insights here. It is truly a knowledgeable group and at times quite funny and entertaining. Thank you again to everyone here. It is the only sight I religiously go to.

    Unfortunately, the over 55 years of disappointment leaves me on the negative side, always waiting to be disappointed again. I appreciate all of you putting up with my rants, as I need to express my frustrations to people who I know also feel my pain. I wish the Rangers could bring in a guy like Tkachuck who seemed to change the whole culture in Florida and dragged his entire team into the fight.

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  15. So close yet so far

    Will Save the roster mngt for another day

    Team was truly a regular season champ. Hit their plateau and hopefully Dreary will rebuild a more formidable lineup. Lav provided necessary structure but the song remains the same. It’s hit or be hit and they mostly preferred to be the hittee.

    I root for the laundry. Let’s Go Rangers!


  16. Heartfelt thanks to EV for the reviews and the blog team that kept it going this season. Glad we have a few days until the Finals. I’m still sorting out my feelings about who I will pull for.

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  17. Unfortunately, I get no joy from the successful regular season. Yes, it was a good season and was fun, but the bottom line is to win the Freakin Stanley Cup. Once again they failed because the GM failed to build a roster that can compete when the games get tough. I don’t see any reason to give Drury another shot at it. His last three trade deadlines have been complete failures. He also had a lot of input in the rebuild drafting with Gorton and on his own and for the most part the results have been disappointing at best. He gets a pass for Laf and Kakko since they were consensus picks.

    We also need a GM that has the balls to tell Zbad and Panarin that they are no longer in the team’s plans. They can either waive their NMC and the team will try and trade them to teams they may want to go to or they can be healthy scratches until they decide to waive their NMC. If they want to play in an NHL game again, they will need to play elsewhere. If you have the balls to healthy scratch them for the first 5 games of the season, they will waive their NMC. Tampa forced McDonough to waive his NTC. Yes, you probably wouldn’t get the value you want in return, but the salary cap savings will help with future UFA center or wing that plays the right way come playoff time. I believe this year is a weak draft, so they should trade for top prospects or picks in future years.

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  18. muy, good idea in theory, but never see that kind of thing happen in reality bight due to the $ owed to them and perception it creates across league. also not sure drury would be ready to admit to himself or dolan he screwed up with mika so early in his new deal

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  19. Eli, hope this series and playoffs was a good lesson for Cullye that needs to learn to be stronger on the puck, including along the boards as think he lost the puck too easily far too often for a guy his size.

    could say the same exact thing re kreider, but not teaching that old hound dog any new tricks at this point.

    would think they could move trouba with some retention given 2 years left on his deal, but be shocked if drury does that this offseason

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  20. last year they were killed by a smaller / quicker with the puck / faster team that played sn AHL lifer in goal.

    this year they where manhandled by a bigger, stronger mote determined team..

    bottom line. They are not quick enough or strong enough. Lots of holes to fill.
    The only 2 almost untouchables on my roster are Laffy and Shesterkin.
    (Almost untouchables because anyone can be traded)

    Liked by 2 people

  21. Thought I could get away with using up the last of the seed; the birds always bring a little morning cheer after a Ranger loss. Instead what do I get? A freakin Bruins fan! Had the nerve to follow me around the yard while I was mowing too and didn’t offer to help at all.

    Liked by 9 people

  22. Trading our pugnacious (on-ice) Captain sends the wrong message. Let us not despise aggressive play. We need more. Hopefully his excessive 2024 faux-pas were injury related and are done with.

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  23. many of us saw the handwriting on the wall. lost to far better, more talented and younger in key player spots team. a team in no tax state.

    ufas gone

    chytil and kakko gone.

    kreider and or trouba gone.

    we were far more competitive two years ago vs tampa than against florida


  24. Great write up. Thanks.

    As I stated earlier 8 10 20 24 72 79 93

    Some combination of these guys need to be shown the exit.

    And as I stated yesterday….if you are Shesterkin are you signing again with the Rangers? I think doubtful unless some beef and some real determined players are added to that roster. This is where past history comes in……they never seem to add the right mix. Better get to it Drury or some fans may dox Sam for his inane this one will last a lifetime comment.

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  25. Didn’t torture myself or the people I was visiting this weekend watching live. I followed via mobile device, but kept my depression/fury at bay. mkh mentioned the NYR culture & EV mentioned how dirty his Southern team was/is. Not much nasty in the NYR culture. They need some to get over that last hurdle. ’94 had some nasty, culture of last 30 years has kept it out except for a few exceptions (talking to you Avery)

    Liked by 2 people

  26. Another season bites the dust. In my lifetime, the Rangers are now 1 for 66. Unlike other years, I did not get sucked in. They were simply not good enough against Florida. Should be an interesting offseason. I will remember those we lost from this blog a lot more than I will remember the Rangers season.

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  27. Ev, great obituary.

    Lots of changes must be made, you guys are right. Team has a lot of holes that the regular season hid. Great regular season team. But those don’t win cups.

    My top players to discard and replace: Kakko, Miller, Chytil, Gustafson.

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  28. Those 2012ish teams had all the culture and grit in the world, but lacked the Cup. In the post-Tortorella era though nobody has accused the rangers of being hard to play against once AV started dismantling their will.

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  29. there’s not much more coming off the payroll before 13 and 31 need their new contracts next year. Loaf+Trouba and their $20M combined aren’t up until the year after. Igor would get 12% of the salary cap and Lafreniere, well he should do pretty well for himself too.

    Let Igor walk? Florida’s still Florida without Bob but it’s very hard to believe that Skinner is a Cup-contending goalie without players like Mcdavid/Draisatl scoring at the rates the do, which will never be the Rangers bless their hearts.


  30. Wasn’t there a lot of talk about the Rangers getting Bennett back when he became available? I remember a lot of Bennett chatter on here. We ended up trading for Goodrow.

    Florida got Bennett for 2nd round pick and a no name player.


  31. Torts biggest mistake was jettisoning Avery in 2012 season. He hated the guy. If the Rangers had Avery they beat the Devils in 2012. Not sure they would have beaten the Kings though….. something we will never know.

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  32. just watched the Edmonton game. Oh, so that’s what a desperate team does?? Dallas was all over it just couldn’t score. The effort was so much more that what we saw from our guys. We need the Wiz to get us some heart. Our team is lacking.

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  33. As I’ve stated then and now Knoblauch was the coach to put behind the Rangers bench. Drury is a dumb azz, in fact the organization top down is clueless. I would have sent the Persian puff packing, and signed Bennett in a heart beat. Bread is for eating, it’s useless in the playoffs. I didn’t want him signed either. The Minx has Spoken!

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  34. I think Lavy put together a good staff and they did a good job. I just thought Knoblach would have brought fresh thinking and not just have bee a recycle from the pool of veteran coaches. He was worth a serious look. Drury seemed to lock on to Lavy early and never considered other options.

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  35. Not sure if we are going to see as many changes as many are hoping for. There are 28 teams that would have trade their season for the Rangers. Would I like to see changes to enhance their chances in post season? For sure. But with Cap constraints and a team with most regular season wins; not sure if the urgency is there in the front office.

    Just another friendly reminder, Dolan family took full control of the MSG and Rangers in 95….

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  36. EV – I use imgur and then grab the direct link to the img (not the page the image is on)

    Conflicted – I know a chick in Medicine Hat so should root for oil cans. But they are from Oh Canada. But they have Knoblach. But I hate Bettman and want him embarrassed by low ratings. Perhaps hope ice making systems blow up at both stadiums after game three forcing a cancellation 🤣

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  37. The big questions re player moves are the young(er) ones without anchor contracts or no move clauses:

    Shesty – do they sign one year prior to UFA and potentially get a more team friendly deal? His value couldn’t be higher after this run do not sure but remember Henk’s last 3 seasons with his anchor cap hit.

    Laffy – same as above re UFA status. Would like to see him on a line away from Bread to see if he can carry play and continue his PO success over 80+ games. Rising star he needs to take it to the next level.

    Miller – Given state of D, doubt he gets moved but there are gaps in his play that will never get filled esp if he is going to always play like Willie Huber; big body, no snarl.

    Kakko – the new enigma, wrapped in a puzzle followed by a questionmark. Trade for another high draft pick struggling? Should have left on Mika’s line when he came back from injury this year to help with ozone possession.

    Chytil – valiant return from injury but did not provide much in return. Lav using as 3C in game 6 was a colossal mistake. Not sure if Lav or Dreary are making those decisions; my guess is GM, it’s his team. Did he show enough to have value in trade market?

    Lindy – nobody added more to their value than the cyborg this postseason. Stayed ‘relatively’ injury-free, was their best D by a long shot while dragging around the ghost of Fox.

    Fox – yes, he can be moved and they need to consider all options. Will never happen, but should strongly be considered. Another regular season star making huge money that is not built for the playoff grind.

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  38. Don’t think Kreider is being moved. The contract is not excessive and is done in two years at which point he’ll retire as a NYR, everyone feels good, etc, etc.

    Not a huge Trouba fan, in large part because of the cap. That said, I think he’ll still be here, at least through trade deadline. They need his physicallity and can’t jetison him until you have a plan to replace that.

    Miller – Two coaching staffs have not really advanced his defensive play. He’s adequate for regular season, perhaps even regular season first pair. Not good other than third pair in playoffs. I’d move him now as outside something unexpected, don’t see his defense getting much better or his physicality improving.

    Fox – Unpopular view but I’m moving on while I still can. Yes, will be giving up some offense but that deficit can be addressed elsewhere. He’s above average, perhaps, defending but his body just can’t stand up to the pounding and when he’s banged up both his offense and defense vanish. Looking at you, playoffs. Just too big a cap hit to be stuck with and it is not one that you can afford to buy out if/when it goes south.

    I don’t think a playoff caliber team will take Bread but a team looking to get near/into the playoffs might. But he’s not likely to waive to go to such a team so he’ll be here. Just have to deal with the reality and have a plan B for playoffs.

    Mika Mika Mika. If he didn’t pull the playoff vanishing act I wouldn’t be concerned. I think he is movable but not sure he would agree. Probably easier to get a RW that can bring what Mika lacks.

    Whenburger – Will be interesting to see what the UFA market is for him. Might come cheaper than expected which could allow NYR to not have wasted the two picks. I don’t see him as more than a 3/4C. In any event, the picks given are for all intents a 3rd and 5th given our finish this season.

    Goodrow is staying, he is what they need in playoffs and fills too many roles. Don’t get the panties in a bunch if you think he’s making 1M more than he’s worth. This coming season I can see him playing wing on 3rd line.

    Kakko my Kakko where is your finish? 🤣My gut tells me they will give him just a little more rope, until the trade deadline, to get the offense going.

    Chytil should be moved, the only question is if they are able to do it as a trade cheaper than a buyout.

    Janice, nice meeting you but party is over.

    Lindgren will be resigned for around 5m per. He can play 1st/2nd pair and, depending term, finish out on the 3rd pair.

    Gus will be on another team and we’ll still be kicking ourselves all summer for keeping Chytil and not signing Mikola. Time to bring up one of the kids unless there is a decent UFA at reasonable price.


  39. The issue with Knoblach vs. Lavi is this the Rangers always like the established guy almost always over establishing their own man from within.

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  40. It looked like he had an arm injury as well. FYI, Florida highest scoring defender was Forsling, 10G 29A OEL 9G 23A Montour 8G 25A Kulikov 1G 19A

    Never been a believer in making a defender’s offense critical to your team’s offensive output.

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  41. beezle

    kreider has 3 years left

    re guys with 2 years left like trouba. trade deadline could be interesting. if team falls off others could be interested in having 2 years playoff runs with a guy like him

    totally agree on moving chytil one way or another. has to be top priority


  42. go mcdavid and draisaitl

    strongly prefer their style to fla (devs like from days of yore) style

    it’s a copycat league so fla winning would lead to more and more boring hockey. seriously when they were up 1 goal it seemed like more than 1 goal

    they totally shut down top 2 lines of tampa, bost and us

    might take a while to warm up to this. maybe start with watching third periods of first couple of games


  43. nobody is touching the mika contract and he also has full no move

    first things first. get rid of chytil. any way possible. addition by subtraction


  44. Mika had 2G 9A in the first two rounds so not a complete disappearing act and at least defensively, he mostly kept Barkov in check (Barkov had 5G 8A in the first two rounds, 1G 3A against the NYR).

    Even if one were to grant the possibility of Chytil following the same offensive arc as Mika, there is nothing to indicate that he will become a good/responsible defensive player. And Mika has been on PK since arriving with NYR and started playing PK with Ottawa his first season and was a fixture on it by his fourth (after career 200 games). Chytil? Has averaged 0:01 TOI short handed in his career so far (337 games).

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  45. Minx I was amazed how little consideration Knoblauch got for coach of the year considering the panic in Edmonton at their horrible start (3/9/1 7pts). Edmonton was 46/18/5 97 pts with him, a 703 pts % (NYR were 695).

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  46. Coach either doesn’t dress Remper or he dresses him to play 3 minutes. And…B4 he gets physical, he looks to the bench and the Coach almost always sez no. What’s this kid doing here?

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  47. Zib has a no-trade. If they radically dis him and axe him to waive it and he refuses, he has no pride and is here just to go through the motions and cash paychecks. I wouldn’t stay ten minutes in a place I’m not wanted. All speculation, of course.


  48. Hate is a strong word? Lots of people here and elsewhere didn’t think Chytil was a good fit before the latest brain bruise. Not including Rangers management which tagged him as 2C of the future, of course.

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  49. I am quite sure The/DJ aren’t going anywhere. Again, find a way to bring in Alex Tuch. He would dramatically alter the top 6. Then focus on building a bedazz bottom 6, start with Cuylle and Goodrow and fill in the remaining 4 slots. Trade Miller at the draft. Then rebuild the D. Lindgren and Schneider as a pair and move the rest. Fox is too expensive to watch get slaughtered in the playoffs. He’s too soft and too slow.

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  50. Edstrom and likely Othman will be here next season along with Jones and possible Bro-dude. I would resign Wenny as he checks a lot of boxes and provides lineup flexibility but no money in the till and more pressing issues

    agree with some others that culleye was not impactful in POs but is young, able and willing, the type of player they need; he is a mainstay along with Edstrom, Rempe and Goodrow in bottom six.




  51. More than a few have said for a few years now that a) Chytil is not a good center and b) is not good defensively and c) is not the kind of player the Rangers need. If that is hate, ok interpret it that way. But it has nothing to do with him as a person or any efforts he made to get back (again) from the concussion injury.

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  52. BTW – in 21/22 Mika had 10G and 14A in 20 games. They had Copp and Vatrano for that run and both were a lot more “playoff ready” than Roslovic or Chytil were this season.

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  53. Saw a Zibanajad quote that they left it all out on the ice last game… A game where they had about 20 shots and 6 in the 3rd period…therein lies the problem ….he thinks thats all out

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  54. The buyout on Trouba is 4/2/2. If you need to retain 50% you may as well just buy him out. It’s a salary dump. You won’t get much in return. We knew that contract wouldn’t age well. He has dropped off the last two years.


  55. With center position depth Alex just don’t see it happening ..don’t think Wennberg coming back at a discount and its unclear if Edstrom is ready for 3C


  56. Can’t see Drury being eager to get Dolan to sign off a buyout of Chytil given he very recently signed the new deal, so trade likely would need to be the route there. Have been a supporter of Chytil, but likely time to move on given won’t be able to do so with Mika in all likelihood. Maybe Gorton would be interested (just no taking back any of Mtl’s anchor winger contracts in return)

    And to buy out or trade Trouba you likely need Slats and Dolan to bless, which me be a hard sell unless Drury has clear plan to bring in a physical replacement with saved $


  57. Lot less moves than folks think; Pres Cup winner, ECF finals.

    Dreary could be thinking:

    Kakko potential break out playing on top line; Chytil as plan B

    Miller plays with Schneids; keep away from Tuba

    Jones for Gus; play with Tuba

    re-sign Lindy to play with Fox

    Othman up to play with Chytil 3C and Culleye on 3rd line; Goody as 3C Plan B

    Edstrom up for 4C w Goody and Rempe, Vet FA low $$ signing to mentor big fellas.

    prospect Dylan Roobroeck (22 yo; plays C 6’7″ 205) has shown skill in minors is a wild card.


  58. I will content that the lack of a checking line to play against either top 6 lines of FL was the ultimate downfall. Playing Jacquee on 4th line and Flip Flop as 3C in Game 6 is more an indictment of Drury than Lav.


  59. if i were kreider and i had 15 team no trade clause this would be my list
    with 5 wildcards – probably western teams due to travel

    san jose

    i’ll take a shot at the 5 wildcards
    montreal – language
    vancouver – travel
    utah – travel but has lots of cap space
    washington – getting much older
    minnesota – dead money vs cap


  60. There are 16 teams that didn’t make the playoffs. Most of those teams don’t have a realistic shot at a a cup in the next couple of years. Older guys who haven’t won a cup want one before they retire. Which one of the non playoff teams aren’t on Kreider’s and Trouba’s lists?


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