It’s Go Time: Game 2, Round 3 !

The NY Rangers look to bounce back and regain the home ice advantage with a win tonight at the Garden. Though Florida has not been good at home during the playoffs, no team wants to be down 0-2 and going on the road.

Lineup wise – rampant speculation about who is in and who is out. It could end up exactly the same as game one. Laviolette is not saying and the real deal will not be apparent until pre-game warm-ups. We’ll try to update the box prior to puck drop with the real lineup, until then, just speculation. Panther’s look to be going with the same group as game one.

Keys tonight: the Rangers looked slow of foot, tentative and lacking an edge in game one on Wednesday. They need to keep moving their feet, be quicker and cleaner with passes/shots and most definitely need to start forechecking hard. On shots, the Rangers need to take what is available to them. A shot and a rebound is more likely to lead to a goal then passing up the chance and continuing to skate when time and space are minimized.

There has been some press about the lack of production from the defense but we’d prefer they stay focused on playing defense first against an explosive Panthers team. If it is there, jump in but darn well be sure you’re back side is covered first.

On this date in history: In 1989 Phil Esposito was fired as NYR GM and Coach, later replaced by Roger Nielson (coach) and Neil Smith (GM).

Zebras tonight (from Scouting The Refs):

Probable NYR lineup

Author: Beezle

I am the new and improved Beezle

480 thoughts on “It’s Go Time: Game 2, Round 3 !”

  1. Everything they do today must be done faster and harder. A couple cross checks in the teeth might need to be on the docket to set the tone. What they need is the look that was often on the face of Mark Messier come playoff time…. especially his visage in 1994….that was scary. And the cross check he laid on Gilmour in the 97 series against the Devils set the tone of that series. See, that’s why it’s important to know history so that in this case it can be repeated. Hopefully.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Do the Rangers have barbs on their berries. We will soon find out.

    Upon reflection this seems like an unseemly comment. I’m leaving it anyway.


  3. They played hard for half a period. This next period will show what they have. PP is in the crapper. They look completely disorganized. Did they scout FL’s PK?

    Liked by 2 people

  4. last shift with Fox and Lingren,Fox can hardly skate. If I can see this don’t you think the Panthers can. Putting in Rempe was great. Now show me that you are a real coach and sit Fox next game. Jones is not anywhere near as good but Fox is going to be a problem.

    Liked by 3 people

  5. The Panthers relentless pounding of the Rangers is causing them to treat the puck like a hand grenade. When you see them coming get your stick up right in their grill and make him eat it. They need to realize that they are going to get hit even if they lay down for the Panthers. With that knowledge get up and hit them back. This is a man’s game not for cowards.

    Liked by 6 people

  6. Wtf is messier talking about?!! He’s turning corporate. “They set the standard”

    Every hit they showed was through the body only. Not a single one of those friggin hits was anywhere close to a guy’s head


  7. I remember Alex. Berg broken leg in first round. Sundstrom broken arm second round. Flatley flattened third round. Karpotsev had to leave for a death in the family and Kovelev was lost for the season. Who knows what could have been.

    Liked by 2 people

  8. Rangers got to be in the other side of that only-one-team-is-effective-special-teams scorecard the first two rounds so at least it got us here


  9. For all the Panthers heavy bombing the Rangers are still there. Perhaps the Rangers can strafe Bob in the third period? This period will tell us if the Rangers have any chance to win this series.


  10. like we have known all year Fla is a very good team. In order for Rangers ti win this is how they havevto play. Agrre with 2 points you guys have made. Fox is definitley hurt and Sunday looks like nothing to get excited about. Do not think we will see any miracles this game.



  11. The difference between these teams is the Panthers enthusiastic willingness to dog pile on the rabbit until the stew is ready. It’s not like the Rangers are little boys here. Play with courage and pride. And whatever happens happens…but don’t lay down for these guys. Fight back

    Liked by 4 people

  12. FLA doesn’t make a lot of mistakes and interferes just enough to not get called, content to counter and grind in the zone. NYR haven’t given them too many opportunities in either game.

    Liked by 2 people

  13. Gravy, they interfere more than enough to get caught. They seem to get a longer rope than most other teams. It’s something that happened during the regular season too.

    Is you ask panther fans though, the NHL is against them. That hasn’t been true for a few years now.

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Did any else’ notice how Fla will screen the shot by drop passing the puck to a player behind them and then slowly skate towards the net obscuring Shesterkin from the shooter? Does that make sense? Its a good move , The Rangers should try it next game. Is that a thing? Never saw it before….


  15. beezle it’s funny you say that because I looked up with a friend before the game in NHL Edge stats have Rempe like 80th+ percentile in top skating speed in the playoffs, 60th+ in speed bursts >20mph and he hasn’t even played all the games


  16. Igor back to Igor tonight. He stole another one.

    I hope Kakko uses tonights healthy scratch as motivation for next game, however, I suspect it will have the opposite effect. Fragile Finn needs to figure it out real soon. After being sat in the playoffs again, I would not be surprised if he gets dealt at the draft.

    Liked by 3 people

  17. I just realized that I’m a total of 5 games against the Panthers this season, we still have yet to win one in regulation.

    I don’t care how it happens, as long as the winning goal is ours. But it just shows you how difficult it is to beat them.


  18. Since it’s Saturday morning I guess I can speak now. Something I noticed on the OT goal. Even though Bob was beat high blocker side, I think he was partially screened by Montour. The shot surprised him.

    Liked by 1 person

  19. shows the boneheads knew the importance and provided needed urgency.

    they got secondary scoring with Goody’s tally off a great feed by Tro.

    I’m all for Edstrom taking VC’s spot; time to up the ante in Sunrise. Don’t think Lomberg’s elbow can reach that high

    Liked by 2 people

  20. never change boneheads never change… hey SN how delusional are we now?

    refresh refresh refresh

    remember to thank all our hockey angels above.




  21. my grammar has suffered since I was unceremoniously whatever….

    But hey I took Wicky’s advice and went onto twitter and I tweet and talk about whatever I want to.

    ‘with whom am I speaking’

    you know who 🤫

    I want youse to know I’ve thought about James G and ILB and the other fallen many times throughout the season

    angels in the rafters boys

    angels in the rafters

    Heave Ho

    Liked by 3 people

  22. agreed SN. I think they are doing the seniority thing but that once Edstrom gets in (believe he does) he’s not coming out of this series.

    enjoy the day off boneheads.

    we’ve got ourselves a series

    Liked by 2 people

  23. Report from kakko’s camp. He’s been enjoying water skiing and archery, and is trying out for role of king in The King and I that will be performed by the campers at visiting day.


  24. Winston Churchill was advised via a note from his young but erudite editorial assistant never to end his sentences with a preposition. He wrote back: “This is the type of criticism up with which I will not put.”

    Liked by 1 person

  25. one last one from me

    I thought Mika was really engaged and played a strong game

    barkov is a top 3 center in the league

    Lavio finally matched up lines last night.

    there are gonna be shifts where Barkov has a step and is doing his thing and Mika just needs to stay at his hip and make it hard on him, and there will be shifts where Mika’s just trying to stay with him and slow him up and Barkov will shield him off and beat him. That doesn’t mean Mika isn’t doing a great job or isn’t battling. Barkov is a big skilled man.

    It’s not a sexy job, but damn if the Panthers beat the rangers Barkov is gonna be a huge reason why.

    so on that flip side. If Mika’s line can win their share of shifts and if Mika is battling to make Barkov’s life harder. That’s a win.

    Barkov’s gonna make you look bad sometimes.

    it doesn’t mean Mika isn’t doing a hella of a job

    I’ve come to trust Mika a ton in the playoffs. Even last year against the devils. He showed up. Asked to do too much. But he showed up

    Liked by 3 people

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