Rangers 2, Cat 1 (OT)

After an unseasonably warm day in NYC, it turned into a very good night to watch a hockey game! After three tension filled periods and the majority of the OT, Barclay Goodrow (4) won the game at 14:01, blowing the roof off the Garden with a rising snap shot from the slot over Bobrovsky’s shoulder. The win sends the Rangers down to Florida tied up at 1-1 for a new best of five series. Trocheck (9) would get the primary assist, Trouba (4) the secondary.

Say Goodnight Gracie!

There were a number of lineup changes for the Rangers in this game. Though the ultimate outcome was a win, there will be continued debate about who plays and where. In this game, Kakko was sent to the press box, Roslovic moved into Kakko’s third line right wing spot, Chytil took Roslovic’s spot on the right of Zibanejad, Cuylle moved back to his home on the left side of the third line and larger than life Rempe played in as right wing on the fourth line. More changes are likely to come on Sunday as Vesey left the game in the second period with what appears to be a significant shoulder injury.

The other scoring of the game took place in the first period with the Rangers lighting the lamp at just 04:12 in. The play began with Gustaffson picking off a long Florida pass at the red line and moving it immediately up ice to Panarin who was waiting on the boards at the blue line. Panarin, who had little room or time all night, did a little spin move and sent the puck down low to Trocheck. Trocheck then was able to find a Fox in the slot after Lafreniere took out Verhaeghe in the middle. As Fox skated towards the net, Trocheck snuck up behind Bobrovsky and positioned himself to tap in the incoming Fox pass. Trocheck (7) from Fox (5) and Panarin (8). NYR 1-0.

A late first period dive by Barkov (given an 9.1 by the East German official) resulted in an interference call on future hero Goodrow at 17:10. A minute later, at 18:09, Verhaeghe would get his revenge, putting a long wrist shot from very high in the slot past Shesterkin. 1-1 after 1.

A lot, but not much, happened between the end of the first period and the OT. Mika was a turnover machine much of the night, Panarin was mostly a non-factor. None of the top nine other than Cuylle were much interested in hitting any of the Panthers. It took until late in the third and the ensuing OT before Kreider, Trocheck, and Lafreniere would lend Rempe a hand in pounding some pus…ahem…Panthers. The NYR would eventually end up credited with 51 hits, 9 from Rempe.

On Goodrow, who many felt was not deserving of his 3.5M cap hit by focusing only on his point production, it seems safe to say he has earned every penny he is due. Four critical goals in the playoffs, two game winners. Ninth in the NHL playoffs in PK TOI. Centering a fourth line that at times has been the only effective line on the ice. He’s not going anywhere.

On Rempe, those who feared he would only see four or five minutes of ice time were wrong. Rempe skated 10:06 in 17 shifts. Those shifts included five in the third period, the last with under two minutes left. He also got a very quick shift in the OT. He also again won the one face off he took. Had Vesey not been injured, Rempe’s total minutes would likely have been slightly higher. This game should go a long way to easy any concerns the coaching staff may have about playing Rempe on the road or in tight contests.

On Shesterkin, none of this would have been possible without some stellar play by the goalie. In this game, Shesterkin got the better of Bobrovsky, both were stellar. Learning from the prior game, Shesterkin was also a lot more careful handling the puck.

Notes: Rangers are 0-6 on PP after having had some issues late in the Carolina series too. Florida had not lost in playoff OT since 2016.

Game three will be in Florida on Sunday at 3:00 PM EDT.

Author: Beezle

I am the new and improved Beezle

68 thoughts on “Rangers 2, Cat 1 (OT)”

  1. Been thoroughly underwhelmed by the addition of Chytil to the lineup. Rarely heard his name last night even with the extra minutes that comes from playing on top line. A number of turnovers, adding to the Mika turnover fest. Not much physicality at all (though understandable and not uncharacteristic)

    Liked by 2 people

  2. As to lineup moves..

    Put Janice back with Mika,
    put Kakko back on 3rd line,
    put Chytil back in the pressbox.

    If VC is unable to go, as much as I’d like to see the other half of the twin towers, road game may be a hard sell, especially if Rempe is staying in, which he should. I think we’ll see Brodude play in, whether as center or wing. If VC is still out when they get back to home ice, then you put Edström in.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I know Mika does a lot of things that go unnoticed but are important and of course he draws the toughest assignments. But nobody on this team has made me more likely to want to throw something at the TV more consistently than Mika. He’s got to clean up his game and he’s got to start driving the net with his shot and not just being Perimeterajad.

    Liked by 5 people

  4. I don’t mean to be a downer here but I know I can express myself because you are my friends.

    My dog Roscoe….my very best friend died today. He was suffering. I was sure he had a few days, a week even but the suffering was too great. I can’t think about our Rangers right now I am just too heartbroken.

    I took a beautiful photo of him only a month ago lounging in the yard with the rays of the sun right on him. I couldn’t have guessed that he was in any way dying. Now the photo perhaps seems ominous or perhaps God just saying that he will soon be with him. I will miss him.

    Sorry for all this.

    Liked by 17 people

  5. Papa, I’ll admit being biased, I’ve never been fond of his game. But this is the ECF, we need more than a burst of speed and fly by here and there, maybe a forecheck or two. He is still not good defensively and still turns it over too much. The team got to the playoffs without him, they won two rounds without him (ok, he played in one of those games but was not a factor).

    Liked by 3 people

  6. Oh man, Rich I am so sorry for your loss. I’ve been there and as I’ve been “remote” since y2k, dog is by my side nearly 24/7. It is more than losing a friend, it is losing family.

    Liked by 9 people

  7. In about 12.5 minutes of Mika matching barkov/Reinhart at even strength, the shot attempts were FLA 16 NYR 10. Shots were FLA 6 NYR 3. Imagine what that looks like without all the unforced turnovers. Recipe for success if you can limit those guys a little further by pressing them physically and not, just, giving them pucks for free.

    Liked by 2 people

  8. Rich, I’m sorry about Roscoe. I know how hard it is to lose a beloved best friend. Hang in there, I hope the Rangers bring you some joy. Either way, we’re always here for you!

    Liked by 5 people

  9. Mika has the unenviable task of matching up with Sasha. So far, Florida has 1 or 2 legit 5 on 5 goals (depending if you count the Igor brainfart/Laffy goal and/or the ENG) in 2 games. And this is despite Mika not yet at his best.

    if the Rangers can continue to stay close in games as they have the 2nd and most of the first (even though the first was a really boring hockey game), they have a great chance to win this series.

    And if the Rangers can get their powerplay going somewhat, they’ll be even more dangerous.

    Liked by 2 people

  10. “I heard Lavi call my name with two minutes left, I was like, ‘Oh man, let’s go. Jiminy Crickets, let’s go,’ ” Rempe said. “Just tried to go out there, buzz around, do my job. Just felt really good in the game. I felt good with the puck, felt good with the D-zone. Overtime, got an O-zone shift, I was pretty excited about that one. It was just a blast. So much fun.”


    Liked by 6 people

  11. Rich. I have a great t shirt that sums up how I feel about people and dogs. It says ” DOGS,because people suck”. Sorry for your loss.

    Sunday we all have a reason to stay indoors on a beautiful days and scream at our favorite team.


    Liked by 3 people

  12. @NYR_PR

    The following players have been recalled from the Hartford Wolf Pack: Alex Belzile Brett Berard Anton Blidh Ben Harpur Dylan Garand Jake Leschyshyn Connor Mackey Victor Mancini Brennan Othmann Tyler Pitlick Matthew Robertson Brandon Scanlin Adam Sykora

    Liked by 3 people

  13. Liked by 1 person

  14. Would really petition hard for Edstrom. The way you beat a bully is to come back stronger knowing they are just insecure wanna be tough guys.

    the Goody penalty on Barkov dive was fuggin pathetic.

    Kakko can sit and watch imho. Until he starts throwing his large frame around, he is useless. That said, I would start him over Flip on Meeka’s right. Wall play down low can create ozone time

    Liked by 2 people

  15. I want to thank all of you for the kind comments. It means a lot. I know so many of you have experienced the same grief and understand it well. Knowing he is not suffering anymore and your kind responses is consoling.

    I will endeavor to be my sarcastic self tomorrow and hopefully watch the Rangers wrest control of the series from the barbarians of Miami.

    See all of you tomorrow and have a wonderful Memorial day weekend. Let us never forget those who paid the ultimate price for all of us.

    Liked by 14 people

  16. Rich very sorry for your loss. But the love and memories will never wane.

    Lost my best friend Gus just prior to the start of the season. As Coos said, irreplaceable.


    Liked by 4 people

  17. I’m sorry for your loss as well Bud. Perhaps your Gus and my Roscoe are hanging out right now in a place far then this. And yes you and Coos are quite correct irreplaceable.

    Liked by 2 people

  18. Rich so sorry to hear about your loss. It is never easy. Though that sadness will still be with you, I hope the Rangers can bring you some joy tomorrow. Keep your chin up, things will get better with time and those great memories will last forever.

    Liked by 3 people

  19. ‘Unforgettable in every way
    And forever more, that’s how you’ll stay
    That’s why, doggie, it’s incredible
    That a pet so unforgettable
    Thought that I was unforgettable too.’

    Liked by 3 people

  20. E3 I am sorry for your losses. We still have Roscoe’s sister Sandy who was his litter mate. Brought them home together and it was a rare moment when they weren’t together. And Napoleon and Josephine are two cats who were also litter mates. They are all great and precious pets….but Roscoe he was the apple of my eye. I know from having experienced this a few times in the past that it will get a little better each day…but as for now it’s hard.

    Thanks for the encouragement from you and everyone here. We bleeders of Rangers blue are the definition of family…..we disagree….we bicker but at the end of the day we each others back.

    Love you guys…..all of you.

    Liked by 8 people

  21. Belated & heartfelt condolences, Rich. Read somewhere that dogs are the only species that prefers the company of a different species. Whether true or not, I’m a believer. God bless.

    Liked by 2 people

  22. I think Wheeler should get the chance to play today. He has had to work hard to get back in shape in order to play this year.

    I think we have seen the last of Kako in a Ranger jersey.( To bad; I was rooting for him a lot) We all know what we have in Johnny Bro;and it aint much.

    I think just the pop of adrenaline that Wheeler will bring for is 1st game back might be enough to get Zib and Kreids to pop an even strength goal. ( God know the PP looks lost) I guess a lot of that is the attacking style of Fla.

    Last but not least my 2 candidates for Coon Smythe so far are Igor and Trocheck. Without those two we would not be here.



  23. Like I think SN, I would put Kakko on Mika’s right knowing that he is going to get them more zone time because of his ability to maintain possession of the puck. That line has been too much one and done if they even get past the Mika entry turnover.

    The only place I would at all consider putting Wheeler is the 4th line to replace VC and I really wouldn’t be too excited to do this in a game three. If they win today, you can entertain the idea game four. But this is too important a game to find out that he is even slower than he was during the regular season.

    While I wouldn’t mind see Edstrom, the issue there is rookie w/ no playoff games at all. Along with a (presumed) away start for Rempe as well. That is probably too big a dice roll for Lavi.

    Gus will stay in because of his physical play. Fox will stay in until they drag him off or Lavi realizes the greater good might be served by giving the fresh, similar sized, pony a start.

    Liked by 1 person

  24. I give the nod to Tro with no difficulty. The guy has beyond stood on his head in every aspect of the game to get us to this point. Can’t imagine that anyone expected the level of play from him that we’ve seen this season when he was brought on as “3C”.

    Igor, well he’s been good when necessary but he’s put them in a pickle quite a few times too. And that elusive shutout remains… elusive. For Igor to truly be considered elite, he is going to need to start putting up a few goose eggs.

    Liked by 2 people

  25. PSA #1 – I’m over covid and will be at a bbq for the game. The go time will have a line up that is probably not correct. I’ll bring my tablet but wordpress kills it even for comments so I might not be able to update it. 🤷‍♂️

    PSA #2 – If you want to post a twitter or youtube link, click the black + (on right side in comment box, you might need to press enter once for it to appear) and use the correct choice from the list. “Embed” usually works for both of those as well.

    Liked by 3 people

  26. The caption on this is obviously wrong, it refers to a lack of penalties drawn, not taken, by Edmonton. BobbyO was at the Ranger podium saying the same things 😉


  27. I know this is the playoffs and all. Still, I would think that one of these games our boys in blue are going to light the lamp a handful of times, they’re overdue.

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  28. Schneider with two big errors leading to the pen, Shesty gives up a shortie. Does he ever allow good goals? Two of the Rangers best…. Laffy!!


  29. Wind in His hair really needs to shoot more. He passed up so many shots for the perfect pass which almost always does not work.


  30. Maybe the Rangers haven’t figured this out yet……but your chances to score probably increase by a factor of….pick a number if they would only shoot the puck.🤬


  31. What a f%%ing awful period. I can’t recall seeing a team just completely rag dolled by their opponent as badly for 20 minutes. Florida owns them. They are like a cat will a ball yarn. They’re just toying with them. It’s got to be embarrassing.


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